Review Policy

Last Modified as of 3rd day of September 2024

Breathe Function Thrive PLLC is passionate about championing clinical excellence and precision medicine by local licensed professionals who have dedicated years of intense schooling and training enhancing their clinical skills and standard of care provided to each patient. We recognize and want to safeguard each student’s investment in their schooling as well as our advanced training, and the tools and techniques they license from Breathe Function Thrive.

Healthcare is changing rapidly and with the rise of social media, it seems anyone is sharing anything and everything online. We created this Review Policy to outline our boundaries and standards as a company offering professional training; standards that we feel protect and promote the advanced skills and training of licensed professionals, applaud professional and ethical behavior, build trust, and elevate the public’s confidence in the value of individualized assessment and treatment by local licensed professionals. This Review Policy is inspired by peer review, which, according to the American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics, “is recognized and accepted as a means of promoting professionalism and maintaining trust”.  The Review criteria are based on standards generally agreed upon by the AMA, APTA, AOTA, & ASHA. Breathe Function Thrive PLLC has adopted these guidelines which are summarized below.

1. Confidentiality and Privacy. Professionals must comply with HIPPA and not share any identifiable patient information online, including images, videos, or case details, without explicit written consent. Even with consent, avoid oversharing.

2. Professionalism & Respectful Communication. Healthcare professionals must maintain professionalism in their interactions, online and on social media. This includes using appropriate language, refraining from derogatory comments, and any behavior that could denigrate the medical profession. Respect for clients, colleagues, and other professionals is a critical component of ethical online behavior. 

3. Accuracy of Information. Professionals are expected to ensure that the information they share online is accurate, evidence-based, and truthful. 

4. Boundaries. The importance of maintaining clear boundaries between personal and professional online identities is underscored by all four associations. 

5. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest. Transparency is crucial when it comes to potential conflicts of interest. Whether it’s financial relationships, sponsorships, or endorsements, these must be clearly disclosed to maintain trust and integrity.

6. Promotion of the Profession. Professionals are encouraged to use online and social media platforms to engage in positive dialogue, educate the public, foster professional development and encourage precision medicine with individualized assessment & treatment by a licensed professional in their state or local community.

7. Scope of Practice. Professionals should practice and engage in ways that are in harmony with their professional licensure, and as determined by their state, country or licensing entity. 

8. Legal Compliance. Adhering to relevant laws and regulations is a fundamental expectation. This includes compliance with HIPAA, ethical conduct, and honoring agreements, copyright, and intellectual property.


We choose to empower, support and share our advanced curriculum and learning opportunities, with professionals who honor their professional licensure, signed agreements, copyright law and give appropriate credit to others. We also encourage professionals to work within their professional scope of practice and refer to other professionals when appropriate. This Review Policy and process helps to ensure participants are in line with these standards and a good fit for Breathe Function Thrive training programs and curriculum.

When you apply, we will acknowledge receiving it within five business days. After that, our Review Team will carefully evaluate it. Since we are a small organization, the time it takes to respond may vary depending on the number and complexity of the applications we receive. If we need more information after reviewing your application, we may ask follow-up questions. This could add time to the process, but we will do our best to review your application as quickly as possible.


Applicants that share common standards and are a good fit for Breathe Function Thrive training programs and curriculum, will be approved and provided with the registration link and next steps. Those whose applications need additional time to review or require additional information will be delayed, and those deemed by the review team as not being a good fit will be notified.


If there are questions or concerns, we will work with those applicants to find a mutually satisfactory resolution. If this is not achieved, the applicant may appeal the decision within 10 business days of receiving the outcome. The appeal will be reviewed by a member of our senior Review Team and their decision will be final. 

We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to elevate the entire profession, the value of your years of schooling and your investment in our advanced training and curriculum. We appreciate your patience, respect and cooperation throughout this process. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at 



2. AMA Code of Medical Ethics

3. AMA Policy on Professionalism in the Use of Social Media

4. APTA Code of Ethics

5. AOTA Code of Ethics

6. ASHA Code of Ethics

7. HIPAA Privacy Rule

8. U.S. Copyright Office